Neuro-ophthalmology questions of the week: NOI20-Conditions Commonly Encountered in Neuro-ophthalmology 5

45. What are the 4 most common neuro-ophthalmic manifestations of mitochondrial disorders?
46. Name 8 mitochondrial disorders with neuro-ophthalmic manifestations?
47. What are the ophthalmic and systemic manifestations of CPEO (chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia)?
48. What are the ophthalmic and systemic manifestations of LHON (Leber hereditary optic neuropathy)?
49. What are the Chiari malformations?
50. What are the neuro-ophthalmic manifestations of the Chiari I malformation?
51. What are the ophthalmic manifestations of Parkinson?

Neuro-ophthalmology questions of the week: NOI20 Conditions Commonly Encountered in Neuro-ophthalmology 4

32. What type of iris nodules do the following have:
  a. Neurofibromatosis Type 1
  b, Neurofibromatosis Type 2
  c. Uveitis?

33. A patient has infectious meningitis with severe papilledema. What risk does this pose and what should be done?

34. A patient presents with slowly progressive memory loss, cognitive impairment, oculomasticatory movements (myorhythmia), supranuclear vertical gaze palsy. What curable condition should be considered and what lab tests can be used to make the diagnosis?

35. What are 3 classic causes of raised ICP in a patient with known cancer?

36.  What are neuro-ophthalmic manifestations of paraneoplastic syndromes?

37. What are the ocular manifestations of Neurofibromatosis Type 1?

38.  What are the ocular or CNS manifestations of Neurofibromatosis Type 2?

39. What is the classic triad of findings in tuberous sclerosis?

40. What is the most prominent ocular manifestation of Tuberous sclerosis?

41. What autosomal dominant condition is associated with multiple, bilateral retinal angiomas and intracranial cerebellar hemangioblastomas?

42. What condition should be suspected with findings of telangiectasias of the conjunctival vessels and oculomotor apraxia?

43. A patient has an upper eyelid hemangioma, intraocular hypertension, and homonymous hemianopia, what condition is likely to be present?

44. What are the ocular manifestations of Sturge-Weber syndrome?

Neuro-ophthalmology questions of the week: NOI20-Conditions Commonly Encountered in Neuro-ophthalmology 3

25. Multiple sclerosis is more common in:

a. Men or Women,
b. African-Americans, Caucasians, or Hispanics?

26. What is Lhermitte sign and is it a classic finding in Multiple sclerosis?

27. What are common eye manifestations of multiple sclerosis?

28. What is the 15-year risk of multiple sclerosis after an initial episode of optic neuritis:
a. Overall,
b. With no MRI lesions,
c. With 1 or more lesions on MRI?

29. How common is mild-to-severe eye pain in optic neuritis?

30. What are the characteristics of Neuromyelitis Optica (Devic disease)?

31. What treatment is useful for Neuromyelitis Optica?

Neuro-ophthalmology questions of the week: NOI20- Conditions Commonly Encountered in Neuro-ophthalmology 2

14. In which type of patient is Cranial Arteritis common, uncommon and rare – Blacks, Hispanics or Whites?
15. What condition should be considered in any patient over 50 with headaches?
16. What condition should be considered in any patient over 50 with transient or constant diplopia?
17. What percent of patients will have premonitory visual symptoms, usually within the week preceding permanent visual loss from Cranial Arteritis?
18. Name the 7 ophthalmic signs that with AION suggest a high risk for Cranial Arteritis?
19. In what percentage of patients with Cranial Arteritis will the ESR be normal?
20. Is the CRP ever normal in Cranial Arteritis?
21. What other blood tests may be elevated in Cranial Arteritis?
22. How long will patients with Cranial Arteritis generally need to be treated with oral steroids?
23. At what rate should oral prednisone be tapered in Cranial Arteritis?
24. What test is the only test that confirms the diagnosis of temporal arteritis?

Neuro-ophthalmology questions of the week: NOI20 – Conditions Commonly Encountered in Neuro-ophthalmology 1

1. What are 12 manifestations of carotid disease?
2. What are 4 manifestations of carotid dissection?
3. What are 4 manifestations of carotid or vertebral artery dissections?
4. Is it correct that in most cases of ocular or cerebral ischemia an evaluation for a cause of thrombophilia should be performed?
5. Is it common for multiple types of congenital thrombophilia to coexist in the patient?
6. Does the presence of marked papilledema with cerebral venous thrombosis require prompt treatment to lower the intracranial pressure?
7. What are 5 classic presenting findings of cerebral venous thrombosis?
8. What tests are used to demonstrate the presence of cerebral venous thrombosis?
9. What retinal lesion is present in this image?

10. What retinal lesion is present in this image?

11. What syndrome do these images suggest?

12. What are the 4 classic findings of Terson syndrome?
13. What should be suspected in the presence of a patient with the following findings: a. Headaches, b. Seizures, c. Focal neurological symptoms and signs (transient ischemic attacks, cerebral infarctions, or cerebral hemorrhages), d.  Altered mental status?

Recommended Reading – 1. A ripping roller coaster ride & 2. Stroke

Recommended Reading – 1. A ripping roller coaster ride & 2. Stroke Due To Extracranial Internal Carotid Artery Dissection After Roller Coaster Rides In A 4-Year-Old Boy

A ripping roller coaster ride
David J. Blacker, Eelco F.M. Wijdicks
Neurology. 2003

A 41-year-old woman presented with a right frontotemporal headache and drooping of the right eye. The previous day she rode a violent roller coaster ride twice (figure, left panel) and recalled vigorous jerking of her neck. Examination revealed a right Horner syndrome (figure, middle panel) with ptosis, meiosis, and no anhidrosis. Magnetic resonance angiography (figure, right panel) confirmed the diagnosis of right internal carotid artery dissection.

Figure. (A) The patient on the roller coaster ride. (B) Right Horner syndrome. (C) Magnetic resonance angiography confirmed the diagnosis of right internal carotid artery dissection.

Several other cases of carotid dissection have been reported related to amusement park equipment.

1 Roller coaster rides can generate force in excess of 4 “Gs,”1 which in combination with neck movements could potentially rip the carotid intima. Distension of the injured arterial wall compresses the adjacent sympathetic fibers,2 resulting in a Horner syndrome, which is typically without anhidrosis, in lesions above the bifurcation, where the fibers supplying the face leave to traverse with the external carotid artery.

1. Braksiek R, Roberts D. Amusement park injuries and deaths. Ann Emerg Med . 2002; 39: 65–72.
2.  Mokri B, Sundt T, Houser W, Piepgras D. Spontaneous dissection of the cervical internal carotid artery. Ann Neurol . 1986; 19: 126–138.


Stroke Due To Extracranial Internal Carotid Artery Dissection After Roller Coaster Rides In A 4-Year-Old Boy
Amre Npuh, Daniel Vela-Duarte, Thomas Grobelny, George Hoganson, David Pasquale, Jose Biller. 
Neurology. 2014; 82 (10 Supplement)  

OBJECTIVE: To describe the unusual association of stroke due to an extracranial right internal carotid artery (ICA) dissection following roller-coaster rides in a 4-year old boy. BACKGROUND: Strokes in children should prompt thorough investigations. Strokes associated with roller-coaster rides are unusual.

DESIGN/METHODS: A previously healthy 4-year-old boy frequented many roller coasters with his parents while on vacation at an out of state amusement park. On the flight home the following day, his parents noticed a left facial droop. Upon landing, he was unable to walk due to left sided weakness, prompting immediate evaluation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed an acute right middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory infarction. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) showed right M1CA occlusion. Catheter cerebral angiogram performed one week later demonstrated an extracranial right ICA dissection. Transthoracic echocardiogram, extensive hypercoagulable panel, serum autoimmune and inflammatory markers and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis were unremarkable. Dermatoloical evaluation showed no evidence of connective tissue disease. He received low-dose aspirin.

RESULTS: Neurological function remained stable during his hospital stay, and on a 3 month follow-up he exhibited only mild residual left spastic hemiparesis.

CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the youngest patient with stroke secondary to ICA dissection following roller-coaster rides. Although the exact mechanism of injury leading to ICA dissection in the setting of sudden linear acceleration, deceleration and rotational forces such as those experienced while riding a roller coaster is not fully understood, these injuries have been attributed to brief sustained excessive gravitational forces likely augmented among predisposed individuals. Children may be at higher risk due to the immature anatomy of their cervical spine. Alterations to roller coaster ride dynamics and use of head restraints may be a reasonable first approach to lower this potential, albeit unusual risk.

Recommended Reading – Mystery Case: A young woman with isolated upbeating nystagmus.

Recommended Reading – Mystery Case: A young woman with isolated upbeating nystagmus.
Charlene Ong, Kevin Patel, Erik Musiek, Gregory Van Stavern.
Neurology 2015; 84 (4) RESIDENT AND FELLOW SECTION

A 15-week pregnant 21-year-old woman initially presented with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The patient admitted to decreased oral intake over the past 4 weeks, including her prescribed prenatal vitamins. She was hypokalemic with elevated transaminases and gallstone pancreatitis was confirmed by imaging. Prior to cholecystectomy, fetal heart tones were lost and intrauterine fetal demise occurred. The patient underwent dilation and evacuation as well as cholecystectomy. She was discharged home but returned within 1 week with persistent nausea and vomiting. She had no neurologic complaints at the time. Basic metabolic panel on admission was unremarkable. On hospital day 2, she developed oscillopsia. Her examination was remarkable for large amplitude upbeating nystagmus (UBN) in primary position. She had gaze-evoked UBN in all other directions. The amplitude of the UBN increased on upgaze and dampened on downgaze. Smooth pursuit was impaired in all directions and saccades were dysmetric (video

Extraocular movements were intact with no evidence of ophthalmoplegia. Pupils were equal and reactive, and fundus examination was normal. Reflexes were present and symmetric, and gait was normal. The patient had no deficits on mental status examination. She was oriented to name, date, place, and situation and had no difficulty with complex commands, calculations, or short-term or long-term memory. Language was similarly intact. She demonstrated no ataxia or other focal abnormalities on examination.

Questions for consideration:
1. What is the differential diagnosis with this history and examination?
2. What is the next step in management for this patient? What tests would you order?

Neuro-ophthalmology questions of the week: NOI16-Nystagmus and Other Ocular Oscillations 1 – Basics

Nystagmus Basics
1. What 14 features should be assessed in the evaluation of a patient with nystagmus?
2. What are the characteristics of physiologic nystagmus?
3. What are the characteristics, lesion locations, associated conditions, concerns, and treatment for peripheral vestibular nystagmus?
4. What are the characteristics, lesion locations, associated conditions, and concerns for central nystagmus?

Neuro-ophthalmology questions of the week: NOI15-Cavernous Sinus and Orbital Vascular Disorders 4

18. What is the cause of “orbital varices”?
19. What should be considered when a crying infant eye bulges?

Recommended Reading Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis

From:  MRI in the Evaluation of Acute Visual Syndromes.
Mukhi SV, Lincoln CM. Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging 24 (6):309-24. 2015

The prevalent use of antibiotics has decreased the overall incidence of CST. CST still carries significant mortality, commonly reported as approximately 30%, with more than 50% of the cases resulting in morbidity secondary to cranial neuropathies. CST is subclassified as aseptic or infectious in etiology. Aseptic causes include surgery or trauma. Infectious CST is typically a complication of a facial, orbital, odontogenic, or paranasal sinus infection. Sinusitis is the most common cause of CST, whereas odontogenic sources have been reported in up to 10% of the cases.3,33–39

The CS is a paired structure on either side of the sella, pituitary gland, and sphenoid sinus. It is composed of two layers of dura that are split to create a septate venous channel. The internal carotid artery (ICA) is the most medial structure and cranial nerves III, IV, and first and second branches of cranial nerve V are located in the lateral wall of the dura. Cranial nerve VI courses at the medial aspect of the ICA. Anteriorly, the CS is bordered by the SOF and OA. The posterior margin of the CS is immediately lateral to the dorsum sella and bordered by Meckel cave medially and the petrous apex posteroinferiorly.33,40,41

CST most commonly occurs secondary to the spread of infection by emissary veins as well as by direct extension. Emissary veins throughout the skull base are valve less and have bidirectional flow, accounting for the ease of contiguous spread.41 Spread of infection also occurs by the propagation of thrombus and/or septic embolism. It is postulated that bacteria stimulate the formation of thrombus by the release of a procoagulant substance and through toxins that cause tissue damage.38 In otitis media, infection spreads via the sigmoid sinus and along the internal carotid artery plexus. Staphylococcus aureus (70%) and Streptococcus sp (22%) are the important organisms responsible for infection of the CS. In patients with uncontrolled diabetes and immunocompromise, fungal infection can also be responsible, particularly mucormycosis.38,41

Tuberculosis has also been reported to cause both unilateral and bilateral CST; cavernous sinus tuberculoma may occur in the absence of pulmonary findings. Lymphomatous infiltration of the CS has been reported in both pediatric and adult patients.4

CST typically presents with orbital swelling, proptosis, chemosis, fever, and ophthalmoplegia. Visual impairment in CST has been reported in 7% to 22% of the cases, with blindness reported in 8% to 15% of the cases. As the disease progresses, decreased light perception and visual loss ensue. In a case report by Chen et al, CST-induced blindness suggested involvement of the bilateral retina and optic nerves. The postulated mechanisms accounting for visual impairment and blindness in CST include venous infarction of the retina and retinal ischemia caused by occlusion of either an ophthalmic artery branch or the central retinal artery, or by mechanical pressure at the OA.39

Chemosis, periorbital edema, and proptosis have been attributed to venous congestion.38 Papilledema as a result of raised intracranial pressure from a CST has been described as well.42 Palsies of III, IV, and VI cranial nerves secondary to compression result in impaired EOM motility. Intracranial extension of infection may result in meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess, pituitary infection, epidural and subdural empyema, and coma/death.33,38,42

MRI is the radiologic examination of choice, and the CS should be imaged in its entirety. MRI demonstrates the contents of the CSs more effectively compared with CT.40 Imaging protocols should extend from the OA to the prepontine cistern. Routine T2, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, and pre- and post-contrast T1 weighted images of the entire brain should be included. Postcontrast T1 weighted, 3-mm thick images should be obtained in the axial and coronal planes with at least one plane imaged utilizing a fat-saturation technique. Thin-section, postcontrast axial images may be acquired by three-dimensional spoiled gradient techniques. In addition, thin-section, three-dimensional, heavily T2 weighted images allow visualization of individual cranial nerves in the CS and adjacent cisterns.43 Pula et al describe the use of three-dimensional constructive interference in steady state to show smaller structures within the CS, making it the ideal choice to study cranial neuropathies in the CS.44

Alterations in signal intensity, size, and contour of the CS are subtle signs of thrombosis. A filling defect with enhancement of the peripheral margins of the CS suggests a clot within it (Fig. 4). Subacute thrombus exhibits high signal intensity on all pulse sequences, whereas acute thrombosis may appear more isointense. Indirect signs that may suggest the diagnosis are dilation of the superior ophthalmic veins, exophthalmos, and increased dural enhancement along the lateral border of CS and ipsilateral tentorium. Appropriate clinical symptoms, adjacent sinusitis, and orbital or odontogenic infection confirm the diagnosis and etiology.33,38,41,43

FIGURE 4. (A) Twenty-year-old man with invasive fungal sinusitis in setting of relapsed acute lymphocytic leukemia. Axial postcontrast image of the orbit and CS demonstrates filling defect in the left CS (arrow).
(B and C) Twenty-three-year old man with leukemia and rapidly progressive right-sided cranial neuropathy involving III, IV, and VI. Axial pre- (B) and post (C) contrast T1 images shows filling defect in the right CS with absence of the right cavernous carotid artery flow void (arrows).

CST therapy relies on mobilization of the varied disciplines of neurology, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, and infectious disease. Aggressive antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement of the primary site of infection and surrounding areas of involvement are the mainstay of treatment. The use of steroid therapy to reduce orbital edema and cranial nerve inflammation is controversial. Anticoagulant therapy has shown some benefit when initiated early.33,38,43