26. What is palinopsia?
27. What is polyopia?
28. Does the diplopia of polyopia resolve with the closing of either eye?
29. Does the diplopia of polyopia improve with pinhole glasses?
30. What is dysmetropsia?
31. What is the Alice in Wonderland syndrome?
32. What is visual allesthesia?
33. What lesion is most often seen in visual allesthesia?
34. What is the Riddoch Phenomenon?
35. What is Blindsight?
36. What is Residual Vision?
37. What may cause blindsight and residual vision?
38. What are the characteristics of the sensation of environment tilt?
39. What 5 conditions are associated with oscillopsia?
40. What is the Anton Syndrome?
41. What is postoperative delirium?
Archives for September 2019
Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 11 – Abnormal Visual Perceptions: Hallucinations and Illusions 3
Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 11 – Abnormal Visual Perceptions: Hallucinations and Illusions 2
13. Is the visual aura of migraine a hallucination?
14. What is the typical duration of the visual aura episodes of migraine?
15. What are the characteristics of recurrences of the visual aura of migraine?
16. What is the typical duration of the visual phenomenon of occipital seizures?
17. What other neurologic symptoms can migraineurs have?
18. Are migraineurs aware that the images they see are not real?
19. Can migraineurs experience distortion of images?
20. How are occipital seizures frequently described?
21. What are the characteristics of recurrences of occipital seizures?
22. What is peduncular hallucinosis?
23. What lesion is most often related to peduncular hallucinosis?
24. What are the common visual symptoms of narcolepsy?
25. What is the classic tetrad of narcolepsy?
Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 11 – Abnormal Visual Perceptions: Hallucinations and Illusions 2
13. Is the visual aura of migraine a hallucination?
14. What is the typical duration of the visual aura episodes of migraine?
15. What are the characteristics of recurrences of the visual aura of migraine?
16. What is the typical duration of the visual phenomenon of occipital seizures?
17. What other neurologic symptoms can migraineurs have?
18. Are migraineurs aware that the images they see are not real?
19. Can migraineurs experience distortion of images?
20. How are occipital seizures frequently described?
21. What are the characteristics of recurrences of occipital seizures?
22. What is peduncular hallucinosis?
23. What lesion is most often related to peduncular hallucinosis?
24. What are the common visual symptoms of narcolepsy?
25. What is the classic tetrad of narcolepsy?
Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 11 – Abnormal Visual Perceptions: Hallucinations and Illusions 1
Questions: 1. What is the difference between hallucination and illusion?
2. Are isolated visual hallucinations common in psychiatric disorders?
3. Are psychiatric hallucinations associated with altered mental status or focal neurologic signs?
4. Are phosphenes seen in patients with optic neuropathies?
5. What is the Pulfrich phenomenon?
6. In what conditions is the Pulfrich phenomenon seen?
7. What is the Charles Bonnet syndrome?
8. Can encephalopathies or focal cerebral lesions cause hallucinations and illusions?
9. Can confusion and dementia cause visual hallucinations and illusions?
10. Is Lewy body dementia commonly associated with visual hallucinations or illusions?n
11. Which dementias may be associated with paranoid hallucinations and illusions?
12. Can the drugs that are used to treat Parkinson disease cause hallucinations?