Archives for July 2019

Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 10 – Specific Disorders of Higher Cortical Function 4

23. What is left-sided hemineglect?
24. How does one test for hemineglect?
25. What clinical signs are associated with left-sided hemineglect?
26. Where is the lesion in left-sided hemineglect?
27. What is topographagnosia?
28. What are the symptoms of topographagnosia?
29. What clinical signs are associated with topographagnosia?
30. Where is the lesion in topographagnosia?

Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 10 – Specific Disorders of Higher Cortical Function 3

15. What is visual object agnosia?
16. How does one test for visual object agnosia?
17. What clinical signs are associated with object agnosia?
18. Where is the lesion in visual object agnosia?
19. What is optic aphasia?
20. How does one test for optic aphasia?
21. What clinical signs are associated with optic aphasia?
22. Where is the lesion in optic aphasia?

Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 10 – Specific Disorders of Higher Cortical Function 2

7. What is hemiachromatopsia?
8. Where is the lesion in hemiachromatopsia?
9. How does one test hemiachromatopsia?
10. What clinical signs are associated with hemiachromatopsia?
11. What is prosopagnosia?
12. How does one test for prosopagnosia?
13. What clinical signs are associated with prosopagnosia?
14. Where is the lesion in acquired prosopagnosia?

Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 10 – Specific Disorders of Higher Cortical Function 1

1. What is the role of the inferior (ventral) or occipitotemporal pathway?
2. What is the role of the superior (dorsal) or occipitoparietal pathway?
3. What is alexia without agraphia?
4. How does one test for alexia without agraphia?
5. Where is the lesion in alexia without agraphia?
6. What clinical finding is associated with alexia without agraphia