18. What findings are likely to be present with ethambutol toxicity?
19. On MRI T1-weighted non-contrast images are each of the following structures hyperintense, or hypointense: fat, vitreous, CSF, subacute blood?
20. To improve the evaluation of orbital structures, what MRI techniques should be requested?
21. On MRI T2-weighted non-contrast images are the following structures hyperintense, or hypointense: fat, vitreous, CSF?
22. What special MRI sequence allows transformation of the bright CSF signal into a black signal while maintaining the other characteristics of a T2-weighted image?
23. What MRI technique is ideal for detecting acute cerebral ischemia?
24. What 5 techniques may be helpful in detecting optic nerve head drusen?
25. What MRI technique allows better visualization of blood products, such as hemosiderin?
26. What is Isodense on CT?
27. What is hypodense on CT?
28. What is hyperdense on CT?
29. What enhances with contrast on CT?
30. What are 7 good indications for CT?
31. What are 7 good indications for MRI?